About Us

Our Story

Peak Aviation Academy was established and registered as a Declared Training Organization in 2020 by the founders of the training centre - Emil Avramov and Angel Abadzhiev. The two are guided by one goal - to provide the highest quality and the most modern training for private pilots.

On 02.12.2020, the Civil Aviation Authority in the Republic of Bulgaria accepted our training program, declaration and all of the other necessary documents for the registration of the training centre.

Our reference number is BG.DTO-005-45-17-40 / 15.10.2020. The training organisation is the fifth registered in Bulgaria under the DTO framework.

A few months after the establishment, Velislav Kostov joined us, and later Petar Bukureshtliev. Currently, our team is made of 4 people, instructors, who maintain this website, and the online training system, answer every question of the students and lead the live virtual classroom revision courses.

The training materials and content in the theoretical course for the PPL (A) / LAPL(A) are based on those of international content providers. We develop our own resources as well, in-house, which are well adapted for the local laws and particularities of aviation in different countries in Europe.

In brief. We are a group of fellow students and friends who first met at the University of Leeds, England. The idea to create a new and modern training centre for pilots in Europe was born there.

After completing our bachelor's degrees and working in the aviation industry, the COVID-19 pandemic happened. We looked at it as an opportunity to gather again together and create the first distance learning digital course for private pilots in Bulgaria.

Meet The Team

We are all active professional pilots flying around Europe and have all graduated with a BSc in Aviation Technology from the University of Leeds, UK. Young individuals eager to share our knowledge of flight training, aviation, and becoming a pilot. 

Hi, I'm Emil. Co-Founder of Peak Aviation Academy.

Boeing 737NG Captain & Co-Founder

Peak Aviation Academy 

After years of working as an airline pilot for Europe's largest airline group, I decided it was time to change a few things in the industry. Aviation shall be affordable, and open to the public and flying an aircraf shall be a skill and equal opportunity such as the driving of a car. 

Three things about me:

  1. Boeing 737 Captain for Europe's Largest Airline with 3500+ Flight Hours
  2. Experienced Instructor on the Boeing 737 and a Flight Instructor on Single Engine Airplanes
  3. Forbes 30 Under 30 Individual

Hi, I'm Angel. Co-Founder of Peak Aviation Academy.

Airbus A220 Pilot & Co-Founder

Peak Aviation Academy 

Graduated in 2018 from the University of Leeds, UK in with a 1st Class distinction in BSc Aviation Technology and Pilot Studies. I am currently flying the Airbus A220 for the National Carrier. My experience in the flight training industry dates from 2020, when I became an PPL/ATPL Theoretical Knowledge Instructor. 

Three things about me:

  1. Airbus A220 Airline Pilot
  2. First Class Honours Graduate BSc Aviation Technology, University of Leeds
  3. Achieved 94% average score in the ATPL exams 

Hi, I'm Velislav

Business Jet Pilot & Head of Content Development

Peak Aviation Academy 

I am a business jet pilot flying on the Global Express aircraft. The flight operations I am involved in are VIP which is much different to an airline. Graduated in 2019 from the University of Leeds, UK in BSc Aviation Technology and Pilot Studies. I am a EASA certified Flight Instructor - FI (A) experienced in delivering training to students in the United Kingdom. 

Three things about me:

  1. Business Jet Pilot experienced on Bombardier and Gulfstream business jets
  2. Experienced EASA Flight Instructor in the United Kingdom

Hi, I'm Petar. 

Boeing 737NG Pilot & Training Manager

Peak Aviation Academy 

An ambitious, flexible and self-disciplined individual with a BSc Aviation Technology with Pilot Studies from the University of Leeds. Through my academic experience, as well as voluntary experience as a ferry pilot, I have gained valuable aviation knowledge and skills, as well as excellent interpersonal and teamwork skills. I am an EASA Certified Flight Instructor - FI(A) with experience in training pilots in the United Kingdom.

 Three things about me:

  1. Boeing 737NG Airline Pilot for Europe's Largest Airline
  2. BSc Aviation Technology and Pilot Studies, University of Leeds
  3. Experienced Flight Instructor and Ferry Pilot

Learn More About the Private Pilot Pathway Program

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The Private Pilot Pathway EASA PPL Theoretical Knowledge Course

EASA Declared Training Organisation BG.DTO-005-45-17- 40/15.10.2020

Here are the EUR account details for Peak Aviation Academy.

Account holder: Peak Aviation Academy
IBAN: BE26967966378529
Wise’s address: Rue du Trône 100, 3rd floor, Brussels, 1050, Belgium

Here are the BGN account details for Peak Aviation Academy.

IBAN: BG06BPBI79421200062735
Адрес на банката: България, гр. София 1766, ул. "Околовръстен път" № 260